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Writer's pictureChanel Rion


GLAW-z -- (v) To explain away; to make excuses.

"It is almost always the cover-up rather than the event that causes trouble." ~Howard Baker

When big media, big government, or big corporations GLOZE over something, they are covering up, concealing, explaining away or dismissing a harsher and uncomfortable truth. To gloze something is, at worse an attempt to deceive, and at best is a cowardly attempt at denial. Unfortunately we encounter glozing daily. On the bright side, perhaps in the ubiquity of glozing we appreciate better that refreshing yet often harsh breeze of blunt honesty and hard reality. It is somewhat consoling when Howard Baker's sentiment comes true -- when the act of concealing becomes a worse offense than the event it conceals.

~Wordeby's by Chanel Rion

🦋 ART: "Portrait of Guiseppe Verdi" (1886) by Giovanni Boldini

🦋 STYLE: Realism


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1 Comment

Nathan R. Adams
Nathan R. Adams
Feb 01, 2021

With the change in our country's direction, I was worried Chanel might be changing jobs, but having seen her several times since the 20th, me heart remains untroubled......Bless her!

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